BIN Info

BIN Info is available on both the Account Vaults and Transactions API Endpoints.  The information below describes all of the fields, possible values, and requirements.


Field Size Description
issuer_bank_name 60 The Issuer Bank name for the BIN
country_code 3
Issuer Value Description
VISA Three character alpha country code
MC Three character alpha country code
Maestro Three character alpha country code
Amex Space Filled
Discover Three character alpha country code or spaces when Discover doesn't share issuer
detail_card_product 1
Value Description
V Visa
M MasterCard
A American Express
D Discover
N PIN Only (Non-Visa/MasterCard/AMEX/Discover)
detail_card_indicator 2

Left justified, Space filled.

Indicator Card
Description PIN/Sig/Both
C Credit Credit Hybrid (has PIN capability also). Both
E Debit Debit – PIN Only with EBT. PIN
H Debit Debit Hybrid (PIN and Signature).  Both
J Debit USA Commercial Debit – Signature Only – Not PIN Capable.  Sig
K Debit USA Commercial Debit – PIN Capable. Both
L Debit NON USA Consumer Debit – Not PIN Capable.  Sig
M Debit NON USA Commercial Debit – Not PIN Capable. Sig
N Debit NON USA Consumer Debit – PIN Capable Both
O Debit NON USA Commercial Debit – PIN Capable Both
P Debit Debit – PIN Only without EBT.  PIN
R Credit Private Label (MasterCard) Sig
S Debit Signature only (not PIN capable). Sig
X Credit True credit (– Not PIN Capable/ No Signature capability). Sig
fsa_indicator 1 F = FSA 
Default: Space filled
prepaid_indicator 1 P = Prepaid Card 
Default: Space filled
product_id 3

These values indicate card product sub categories (Purchase Card, Business Card, etc.) for Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. Values are subject to change at any time.
See BIN Info Product IDs for more details.

regulator_indicator 1 Applies to US issued cards only (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover).
Value Description
B ISS REGULATED (regulated issuer)
N (default) ISS NONREGULATED (unregulated issuer OR Non US issued card)  
1 ISS REGULATED FRAUD (regulated issuer with fraud)
visa_product_sub_type 2

This is used to identify product sub-types, i.e. further classification of product. 

Value Descriptor
AC Brazil Agriculture Maintenance Account / Custeio 
AE Brazil Agriculture Debit Account / Electron
AG Brazil Agriculture
AI Brazil Agriculture Investment Loan / Investimento
CG Brazil Cargo 
CS Construction 
DS Distribution
EN Large Market Enterprise
EX Small Market Expenses
HC Healthcare 
LP Visa Large-Purchase Advantage (VLPA) 
MA Visa Mobile Agent  
MB Interoperable Mobile Branchless Banking
MG Visa Mobile General 
MX Merchant Agent and Merchant Payment 
VA Brazil Food or Supermarket / Alimentacao Visa Vale 
VF Brazil Fuel/Flex Visa Vale 
VM Visa Vale Meal Voucher 
VN Visa Vale Food Voucher
VR Brazil Food or Restaurant / Refeicao Visa Vale 
visa_large_ticket_indicator 1 L = Visa Large Ticket    
Default: Space filled 
account_fund_source 1

For Visa, MasterCard, and Discover.  Identifies the source of the funds associated with the primary account for the card.

Value Description
C Credit
D Debit
P Prepaid
H Charge
R Deferred Debit (Visa ONLY).
Space Filled Network only ranges
card_class 1

Categorizes the BIN as a Business card, Corporate T&E card, Purchase card or Consumer card. Assists the POS device with prompting decisions – to collect addenda or not.  Visa, MasterCard and Discover only.

Value Description
B Business
C Consumer
P Purchase
T Corporate
token_ind 1 Token Indicator values: 
Y = Token BIN 
Default: Space filled
VISA, MC, and Discover Only.
issuing_network 2 For Discover card types
Value Description
00 Discover
01 Diners
02 JCB (Japanese Credit Bank)
03 CUP (China Union Pay)
04 PayPal


Product IDs

Product ID Product Name
A^ Visa Traditional
B^ Visa Traditional Rewards
C^ Visa Signature
D^ Visa Signature Preferred
E^ Proprietary ATM
F^ Visa Classic
G^ Visa Business (non-US)
G^ Visa Business Tier 1 (US)
G1 Visa Signature Business (non-US)
G1 Visa Business Tier 3 (US)
G3 Visa Business Enhanced (non-US)
G3 Visa Business Tier 2 (US)
G4 Visa Infinite Business (non-US)
G4 Visa Business Tier 4 (US)
G5 Visa Business Rewards
I^ Visa Infinite
I1 Visa Infinite Privilege
I2 Visa Ultra High Net Worth
J3 Visa Healthcare
K^ Visa Corporate T&E
K1 Visa GSA Corporate T&E (US) Visa Government Corporate T&E (global)
L^ Visa Electron
N^ Visa Platinum
N1 Visa Rewards
N2 Visa Select
P^ Visa Gold
Q^ Private Label
Q2 Private Label Basic
Q3 Private Label Standard
Q4 Private Label Enhanced
Q5 Private Label Specialized
Q6 Private Label Premium
R^ Proprietary
S^ Visa Purchasing
S1 Visa Purchasing with Fleet
S2 Visa GSA Purchasing (US) Visa Government Purchasing (Global)

Visa GSA Purchasing with Fleet (US) Visa Government Purchasing With Fleet (global)

S4 Government Services Loan
S5 Visa Commercial Transport (EBT)
S6 Business Loan
U^ Visa Travel Money
V^ V Pay
X^ Visa B2B Virtual Payments

Product ID Product Name
ACS Digital Debit
BPD Business Premium Debit
DAG Gold Debit MasterCard Salary
DAP Platinum Debit MasterCard Salary
DAS Standard Debit MasterCard Salary
DLG Debit MasterCard Gold Delayed Debit
DLH Debit MasterCard World Embossed Delayed Debit
DLP Debit MasterCard Platinum Delayed Debit
DLS Debit MasterCard Card Delayed Debit
DOS Standard Debit MasterCard Social
DWF Debit MasterCard Humanitarian Prepaid
MAB World Elite MasterCard for Business Card
MAC MasterCard World Elite Corporate Card
MAP MAP MasterCard Commercial Payments Account
MAQ MasterCard Prepaid Commercial Payments Account
MBB MasterCard Prepaid Consumer
MBC MasterCard Prepaid Voucher
MBD MasterCard Professional Debit BusinessCard Card
MBE MasterCard Electronic Business Card
MBF Prepaid MC Food
MBK MasterCard Black Card
MBM Prepaid MC Meal
MBP MasterCard Corporate Prepaid
MBS MasterCard B2B Product
MBT MasterCard Corporate Prepaid Travel
MBW World MasterCard Black Edition Debit
MCB MasterCard Business Card Card
MCC MasterCard Credit Card (mixed BIN)
MCD Debit MasterCard Card
MCE MasterCard Electronic Card
MCF MasterCard Fleet Card
MCG Gold MasterCard Card
MCH MasterCard Premium Charge
MCO MasterCard Corporate Card
MCP MasterCard Purchasing Card
MCS Standard MasterCard Card
MCT Titanium MasterCard Card
MCV Merchant-Branded Program
MCW World MasterCard Card
MDB Debit MasterCard BusinessCard Card
MDG Gold Debit MasterCard Card
MDH Debit Other Embossed MasterCard Card
MDJ Debit MasterCard Enhanced
MDL Business Debit Other Embossed
MDO Debit Other
MDP Platinum Debit MasterCard Card
MDR Debit Brokerage 1
MDS Debit MasterCard Card
MDT Commercial Debit MasterCard Card
MDW World Black Debit (LAC region excluding Mexico)
MEB MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Card
MEC MasterCard Electronic Commercial
MEF MasterCard Electronic Payment Account
MEO MasterCard Corporate Executive Card
MET Titanium Debit MasterCard Card
MFB Flex World Elite
MFD Flex Platinum
MFE Flex Charge World Elite
MFH Flex World
MFL Flex Charge Platinum
MFW Flex Charge World
MGF MasterCard Government Commercial Card
MHA MasterCard Healthcare Prepaid Non-Tax
MHB MasterCard HSA Substantiated
MHD HELOC Debit Standard
MHH MasterCard HSA Non-Substantiated
MHK Magna Health Access Card
MHL HELOC Debit Gold
MHM HELOC Debit Platinum
MHN HELOC Debit Premium
MIA Prepaid MasterCard Unembossed Student Card
MIP MasterCard Prepaid Student Card
MIU Debit MasterCard Unembossed (Non-US)
MLA MasterCard Central Travel Solutions Air Card
MLB MasterCard Brazil Benefit for Home Improvement
MLD MasterCard Distribution Card
MLE MasterCard Brazil General Benefits
MLF MasterCard Agro
MLL MasterCard Central Travel Solutions Land Card
MNF MasterCard Public Sector Commercial Card
MNW MasterCard World Card
MOC Standard Maestro Social
MOG Maestro Gold Card
MOP Maestro Platinum
MOW World Maestro
MPA MasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Payroll
MPB MasterCard Preferred Business Card
MPD MasterCard Flex Prepaid
MPF MasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Gift
MPG Debit MasterCard Standard Prepaid General Spend
MPH MasterCard Cash
MPJ Prepaid MasterCard Debit Voucher Meal/Food Card
MPK MasterCard Prepaid Government Commercial Card
MPL Platinum MasterCard Card

MasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Consumer Incentive

MPN MasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Insurance
MPO MasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Other
MPP MasterCard Prepaid Card
MPR MasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Travel
MPT MasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Teen
MPV MasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Government

Debit MasterCard BusinessCard Prepaid Workplace Business to Business

MPX MasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Flex Benefit

MasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Employee Incentive


MasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Government Consumer

MRC Prepaid MasterCard Electronic Card (Non-US)
MRF European Regulated Individual Pay
MRG MasterCard Prepaid Card (Non-US)
MRH MasterCard Platinum Prepaid Travel Card
MRJ Prepaid MasterCard Voucher Meal/Food Card
MRK Prepaid MasterCard Public Sector Commercial Card
MRO MasterCard Rewards Only
MRL MasterCard Prepaid Business Preferred
MRP Standard Retailer Centric Payments
MRW Prepaid MasterCard Business Card (Non-US)
MSA Prepaid Maestro Payroll Card
MSB Maestro Small Business Card
MSF Prepaid Maestro Gift Card
MSG Prepaid Maestro Consumer Reloadable Card
MSI Maestro Card
MSJ Maestro Prepaid Voucher Meal and Food Card
MSM Maestro Prepaid Consumer Promotion Card
MSN Maestro Prepaid Insurance Card
MSO Maestro Prepaid Other Card
MSQ Reserved for Future Use
MSR Prepaid Maestro Travel Card
MST Prepaid Maestro Teen Card
MSV Prepaid Maestro Government Benefit Card
MSW Prepaid Maestro Corporate Card
MSX Prepaid Maestro Flex Benefit Card
MSY Prepaid Maestro Employee Incentive Card
MSZ Prepaid Maestro Emergency Assistance Card
MTP MasterCard Platinum Prepaid Travel Card
MUW MasterCard World Domestic Affluent
MWB World MasterCard for Business Card
MWD World Deferred
MWE World Elite MasterCard Card
MWF MasterCard Humanitarian Prepaid
MWO World Elite MasterCard Corporate Card
MWP MasterCard World Prepaid
MWR World Retailer Centric Payments
OLB Maestro Small Business Delayed Debit
OLG Maestro Gold Delayed Debit
OLP Maestro Platinum Delayed Debit
OLS MaestroDelayed Debit
OLW World Maestro Delayed Debit
PMC Proprietary Credit Card (Sweden domestic)
PMD Proprietary Debit Card (Sweden domestic)
PSC Common Proprietary Swedish Credit Card
PSD Common Proprietary Swedish Debit Card
PVA Private Label A
PVB Private Label B
PVC Private Label C
PVD Private Label D
PVE Private Label E
PVF Private Label F
PVG Private Label G
PVH Private Label H
PVI Private Label I
PVJ Private Label J
PVL Private Label L
PVT Private Label Trade Program
SAG Gold MasterCard Salary Immediate Debit
SAL Standard Maestro Salary
SAP Platinum MasterCard Salary Immediate Debit
SAS Standard MasterCard Salary Immediate Debit
SOS Standard MasterCard Social Immediate Debit
SUR Prepaid Unembossed MasterCard Card (Non-US)
TBE MasterCard Electronic Business Immediate Debit

MasterCard Corporate Executive Business Card Immediate Debit

TCC MasterCard (mixed BIN) Immediate Debit
TCE MasterCard Electronic Immediate Debit
TCF MasterCard Fleet Card Immediate Debit
TCG Gold MasterCard Card Immediate Debit
TCO MasterCard Corporate Immediate Debit
TCP MasterCard Purchasing Card Immediate Debit
TCS MasterCard Standard Card Immediate Debit
TCW World Signia MasterCard Card Immediate Debit
TEB MasterCard Executive BusinessCard Card
TEC MasterCard Electronic Commercial Immediate Debit

MasterCard Corporate Executive Card Immediate Debit


MasterCard Public Sector Commercial Card Immediate Debit

TNW MasterCard New World Immediate Debit

MasterCard Preferred Business Card Immediate Debit

TPL Platinum MasterCard Immediate Debit
TWB World MasterCard Black Edition Immediate Debit
WBE World MasterCard Black Edition
WPD World Prepaid Debit

Product ID Product Name

Consumer Credit – Rewards


Commercial Credit

003 Consumer Debit

Commercial Debit

005 Prepaid Gift

Prepaid ID known


Consumer Credit - Premium


Consumer Credit – Core


Private Label Credit


Commercial Credit – Executive Business


Consumer Credit – Premium Plus


Commercial Prepaid – Non-Reloadable

013 PayPal
014 PayPal Mobile